Pre-Owned Pens: Levenger Plumpster

Pre-Owned Pens: 6248 Levenger Plumpster
Era: 1980-present   Fountain Pen Nib Size: M
Price: $125.00
There is no getting around the fact that this is the best name for a fountain pen that we've ever encountered. Meet the Levenger Plumpster! No. We did not make up that name. It is an awesome pen, too. Perhaps borrowing a little from the Visconti Opera Cherry Blossom design, this pen has brown veins running through a mother-of-pearl-colored acrylic. Blue and purple shadows flare through it, as you turn it under the light. Click the headline for close-ups. You'll see a little wear from use but nothing egregiously awful. Write a smooth fine line with its steel nib that is marked medium. Fills with a standard international cartridge or included converter. Nice girth. Has a little weight. 14cm capped.