The Story of Job: Part 2
by Art Cerf

Here’s a photo of a birch tree that is quite lovely and has nothing to do with this story. I just felt like sharing.
God and Satan were having their weekly meeting and would banter about who was the best dresser, who had the best haircut and the like.
Satan suggested a contest on who was more popular. God agreed but then asked who would be a fair judge. Satan thought for a moment and then said, “Why not Job? Remember he stuck with you when you killed off his family and covered him with boils. He might still be loyal…or he might be rather pissed.”
God thought it over and agreed to resurrect Job…without the boils…and would send an arch angel with him just to help him adjust to the 21st century but in no way tip the scales.
So Job arrived in America, and he could hardly believe his eyes. Planes overhead…rolling carts in the streets…towering buildings. He loved the fact the clothing was more comfortable and you could have more than just one set. And he loved that almost everyone lived inside…and could turn up the heat or cool the air. And food? It was everywhere.
But on the other hand, the air always smelled. The angel told him that was car exhaust and air pollution from factories, whatever they were. They went to the beach where the shore was littered with all sorts of refuse.
And when he was shown television, he couldn’t believe how immodest women were and how violent the men were. And then there was this orange man on the box every afternoon, telling everyone how the pandemic was under control and what a good job he was doing when Job knew that was bullshit. He saw the death figures rising every day…he saw people afraid to leave their homes…and he even saw ambulances carry two bodies away from the building where he was staying.
He asked the angel if the orange man was king. The angel said, “No, he was elected.”
Job asked, “By whom? Religious leaders and town mayors?”
The angel said, “No, in America, everyone can vote and pick their leader.”
Job said, “And the people voted to pick him?”
“Not exactly,” said the angel. “The other candidate got three-million more votes but through a technicality called the Electoral College, the orange man won.”
“And will he be the leader until he dies?”
“No,” said the angel. “There will be a new election in November.”
Job said, “And everyone can vote?”
The angel said, “Well, in theory, but the party supporting the orange man is trying hard to keep those who don’t like him from voting.”
Job said, “I’ve seen enough.” And in a whisk, he was back before God and Satan.
“Well,” they said, “Who did the better job?”
Job looked at both of them and said, “Satan, you placed the plague upon the earth which was a really shitty thing to do. And you, God, allowed all those people to suffer. Shame on you.”
God and the devil looked at each other, nodded, and in a wink, Job exploded into a billion pieces.
God turned to Satan and said, “So who do you see in next year’s World Series?”
EDITOR’S NOTE: Happy birthday, Dad! Thank you for this most dad-liest of stories.